Friday, August 28, 2020
In-house Photography and Outsourced Photography Essay
In-house Photography and Outsourced Photography - Essay Example They introduced the key factors as - Management, Strategy, Technology, Economics and Quality. To add more to these choice focuses the creator presents the contentions by Lankford and Parsa (1999. pp310-312) who demanded that an association ought to think about economies of scale, failure to deal with the capacity in-house, key realignment, requirement for center around center business, short and long haul monetary focal points, and effect on organization's intensity when choosing for redistributing. Roy and Aubert (2002. pp32-33) introduced a solid proclamation on re-appropriating choice expressing that redistributing would be fitting for exercises requiring non-key assets while exercises connected to key skills ought to be desirously kept in-house. They contended that the business basic procedures, data and scholarly properties of the associations ought to be kept out of the re-appropriating system and the association ought to consider re-appropriating just those work that doesn't c ontain the key abilities of their plan of action and don't welcome any lawful difficulty for the association if there are penetrates by the redistributing seller. They introduced the accompanying model of redistributing choices: As introduced in the figure, the creators contend that re-appropriating ought to be done distinctly for those parts of the business that have deliberately low esteem and have lesser nearness of vital assets. In view of the contentions and experimental speculations by these researchers, the creator presents the accompanying choice rules for Kudler Fine Foods for re-appropriating photography: (an) It ought not be a piece of the inward business competency of the association. (b) It ought not include high key worth or high worth key assets. (c) There shouldn't be any legitimate issues. (d) It should bode well for the association. (e) The innovation is excessively unpredictable and costly to be dealt with in-house (f) The capacity is too intricate to possibly be dealt with in-house The creator presents an examination of photography redistributing versus in-house for Kudler Fine Foods in the resulting areas. Upsides and downsides of redistributing the photography to an expert picture taker or making the foundation to take the photos in-house Before we contend on whether photography ought to be redistributed by Kudler Fine Foods, it is essential to decide whether this is basic for the business. The essential target of photography in the matter of Kudler Fine Foods is to promote the pictures of real natural results of the store on the Internet and in the Print media. Apparently the real motivation behind Kathy Kudler is to upgrade the upper hands of the store. Henceforth, the photography may require parcel of inner comprehension of the business and items and may request advancements and thoughts from the inward representatives who have endeavored to carry the stores to this degree of progress. It might be more shrewd to build up the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Coronary heart disease in London
Coronary illness in London Death rates because of coronary illness are expanding in the London and its one of the ward Newham. Newham has second stature paces of early passing because of cardiovascular infection (Newham PCT 2007). 68% of all out populace are South Asian root ( Newham, 2008). This eassy is analyze the dissemination of coronary illness among the South Asian people group in the London district of Newham. It will look the demography and ethnicity of precinct by utilizing different epidermiolgical information to follow the circumstance of coronary illness among the different network of South Asian ethnic groups.It will likewise disscuss the death rates because of coronary illness in various wards of London. Furthermore, it will likewise disscuss the social and different variables that is responseable for coronary illness in the South Asian populace in the precinct. Furthermore, finally it will talk about the different worldwide, national and neighborhood approaches and from the different help holes it will give some suggestion and finished with end. Coronary illness is the one of the fundamental driver of death in the entire world, bookkeeping 18 million demise s every year (33% of all out death in every year) (World Health Organization, 2001 ). Death rates differ impressively between nations, being lower in Japan and Mediterranean nations, for example, France, Spain, Portugal and Italy, and most elevated in eastern European nations, for example, Latvia and Lithuania (World wellbeing association). Around half of these passings are from CHD and further 25% from stroke. Cardiovascular ailment death rates in the UK are presently among the most elevated on the planet, representing 36% of unexpected losses in men ( those matured less then 75 years ) and 75% among ladies . (sara stanner, 2005,p1 p5 ) Death rates from coronary illness are higher in south Asian (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi) people than overall public of United Kingdom. Over all the age gatherings, the demise rates are 40% higher in south Asian people group, with a tw o crease abundance of passings in south Asian men before the age of 40. South Asian ladies are influenced at later stage. The high demise rates because of coronary illness are normal component of all the fundamental gatherings of originating from south Asia. ( Paul McKeigue Leena Sevak, 1994, p1). London, the capital of England and U.K, is the universes ninth biggest city. It has 32 wards, of which 13 are arranged in the inward London and 19 are arranged in external London. It is the second biggest locale as far as absolute populace, representing 12 percent of the UK all out. There were 7.6 million occupants in 2007.( National Statistics 2009 ). Newham is one of the districts of London. The number of inhabitants in Newham is around 262,116 of every 2008. The age structure of the number of inhabitants in Newham is overwhelmingly youthful as appeared on the fig1 Source: Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2008 Just 8% of populaces are more than 65 years of age, contrasted with national normal of 16%. This is the subsequent lower extent of more established individuals in the country.35% of populace are under 25, most noteworthy extent in the nation. 22% populace is under 15 years of age, contrasted with national normal, which is 18%.The populace of Newham is assessed to have developed by 7.5 % between the 2001 National Census ( 243,891) and 2008 ( 262,116 ). 66% (68%) of populace of Newham are generally BMI gatherings. The biggest gathering was assessed to be South Indian (32%) of which Indian (12%), Pakistani (10%), Bangladeshi (10%).There is additionally huge quantities of Black African(15%) and Black Caribbean(7%) individuals in 2006. An enormous number of individuals who live in this ward originate from outside of the UK. 38% of precincts populace was brought into the world outside of the UK. This incorporates a critical number of individuals who came as shelter searchers or evacuees. There is a checked change in the ethnic piece of wards in Newham somewhere in the range of 1991 and 2001. There was an opposite connection transport between the extent of White inhabitant and Asian. Typically, the wards with high extent of white occupants had a low extent of Asian inhabitants and the other way around. For instance, in Green Street east ward 65% was Asian where just 16% was white occupant. In contract, in Royal dock, 61% of populace was white and just 7% was Asian (Newham, 2008) Ethnicity by ward in Newham Source: Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2008 Coronary Heart Disease is the significant reason for death in the South Asian populace in the UK and the passing paces of South Asian populace due to CHD is higher than the indigenous white populace which is expressed 46% higher in men and 51% higher in ladies in the south Asian people group in the United Kingdom. Other than the passing rates between the South Asian people group and rest of the populace is expanding they by day because of moderate diminishing paces of mortality in the South Asian people group as opposed to the remainder of the populace ( DOH, 2003). Coronary Heart Disease is pervasive among the South Asians. South Asian individuals conceived in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan are around half progressively powerless to pass on rashly from coronary illness than everybody. A joint report by NHS and British Heart Foundation said that it isn't totally revealed why South Asian endured more coronary illness than the other gathering of populace. There is a few spec ulation have been advertised. For instance, South Asian are hereditarily progressively inclined to have coronary illness and their back ward financial position may likewise put them at higher hazard. Other hazard consider normal South Asians are elevated level of smoking ( Particularly among the Bangladeshi men ), low exercise rate and taking high fat eating regimen and low admission of food and vegetables. Notwithstanding enduring elevated level of coronary illness, proof demonstrates that Asian people group will in general be analyzed at late phase of the malady and that leeds to more unfortunate endurance rates ( DHSSPS, 2004). . The death rates because of coronary illness in most denied 20% zones of England is about 60% higher than the death paces of the least 20% regions of England for both sex between 2001 to 2006. The most defenseless gatherings in the United realm for coronary illness are the South Asian people group. Contrasted with national normal, men conceived in Pakistan or Bangladesh who live in UK are more than twice possibility of kick the bucket because of coronary illness ( British Heart Foundation, 2009). A few hazard factors that causes the coronary illness is recognized after broad measurable examination. There are a few hazard factors pointed by the American Heart Association of which a portion of the hazard components can be altered or treat ed and a portion of the hazard factors are not, reasons for this hazard factors are idiopathic. The significant hazard factors that cant be changed are normally expanding age, sex and the innate factor. Above 83% of individuals, who kicked the bucket because of coronary illness are as a rule over 65years old. Men are increasingly helpless against coronary failure then ladies and they are building up the coronary illness beginning time of the existence then ladies. The third hazard factor is innate, implies the youngsters are more danger of creating coronary illness in their life whose guardians are experiencing coronary illness too (American Heart Association, 2009). The other significant hazard factors that can be changed, controlled or treated to fix are talked about beneath: SMOKING: The individuals who smoke as a rule put themselves 2-4 times more hazard to create coronary illness then the non smokers (American Heart Association, 2009). South Asian individuals for the most part smoke more than the general overall public. In any case, the degree of smoking may vary in different ethnic gatherings. The degree of smoking is moderately high in Bangladeshi people group and especially in more established individuals. 42% individuals in Bangladeshi people group are smoker, where just 27% of overall public are smoker. 70% of the more established men in Bangladeshi people group matured 54-70 are typically smokes and the level of smoker in the age scope of 30-49 is 54%. Smoking degrees of South Asian ladies are a lot of lower than South Asian men and lower than the ladies who smoke when all is said in done populace. In any case, there is checked number of Bangladeshi ladies (14%) are normally smoking cigarettes (DOH, 2004).Chewing tobacco is regular in Bangladeshi people g roup .19% of men and 26% of ladies in the Bangladeshi people group are partial to biting tobacco. Biting tobacco is the primary tobacco item among the ladies of Bangladeshi people group ( British Heart Foundation, 2002).Fig-4 shows the pervasiveness of smoking in Newham, where 46% Bangladeshi men and 33% Pakistani men are smoker and among the ladies the rate is Pakistan 4%, India1%, and Bangladesh 1% ( Savings life 2007). DIET : The one of the principle reason of high predominance of coronary illness in UK is undesirable eating routine. Individuals admission an excess of immersed fat in their eating regimen and utilization of vegetable and organic product. Absolute vitality get from the fat by grown-ups is falling in a moderate rate, 40% in mid 1970s and now it is around 37%. Presently the food propensity for the populace is changing and level of taking soaked fat are tumbling from around 19% to around 15%. Conversely, 88% of men and 83% of ladies despite everything taking soaked fat higher than the typical level. The individuals are eating all the more new natural products since 1940s yet the degree of taking vegetable is going low. Presently a days just 13% of men and 15% of ladies are taken the perfect measure of foods grown from the ground in UK. Among the minor ethnic gatherings, Indian and Pakistani people are taking adequate measure of natural products (British Heart Foundation, 2009).Normally, Bangla deshi people are enamored with red meat and seared food so their admission of red meat and singed food is higher than the other network. Then again, the men and the ladies of the Indian people group take red meat less as often as possible and Indian men are not enamored with singed food. This food propensities influences the general fat score. The most noteworthy fat score in men is nat
Friday, August 21, 2020
Data Communication Using the Top-Down Approach Essay - 2
Information Communication Using the Top-Down Approach - Essay Example As indicated by Hicks (2004), this the top down accentuates on arranging just as an all out comprehension of the framework and for this situation coding doesn't start until an adequate degree of detail has been achieved. This structure was advanced by Harlan Mils who was an IBM analyst and Niklaus Wirth during the 1970s. à Equity initial a home loan financier organization situated in New England has a unified activities place. This middle which is situated in Exeter, New Hampshire, is the focal point everything being equal and it, along these lines, controls all the tasks of the other ten branches in Maine and Massachusetts. It is likewise the managerial focus as it has offices, for example, bookkeeping, HR, official administration, and care staff. The tasks place keeps up a focal database used to store client data, for example, advance applications, credit check data, and endorsement status. This satisfies the main prerequisite that the top-down model needs to have a focal office that deals with all the tasks. à Computer organizing utilizing the top-down methodology centers around new short break and inevitable ââ¬Ëputting everything togetherââ¬â¢ that follows the inclusion of the system, information connect layers, transport wonder well as application (Hicks 2004). Every office at Equity initially is presently confident as they don't depend on the fundamental office to guarantee support just as viable correspondence. It is additionally answerable for the abatement in mistakes with regards to tasks consequently no deferrals or breaks downs in correspondence happens on the grounds that every activity happens independently. It is likewise very simple to keep up on the grounds that the mistakes are not many and are anything but difficult to recognize and address.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Help My Research Paper - How To Make A Cover Letter Work
Help My Research Paper - How To Make A Cover Letter WorkIf you want to help my research paper, then this article will cover just what you need to do. We are going to talk about how to put a cover letter together. So if you are like me, you have always been under the impression that it's about the contents of your resume, but I was not always right.Your resume is only the beginning of your skills and your abilities. To be able to get a job in a company that you are going to be interested in you have to demonstrate your skills, knowledge, and abilities. You have to show that you can produce good results. And if you are going to impress the people at the search companies, then it is of paramount importance that you get a job by showing them that you are a team player.Without being able to prove your skills, your position will be much more difficult to fill. So if you want to get a job in the near future, then you need to do everything you can to get a job. And you need to show them that you are a team player.Your resume will not get you anywhere. Because the people are not going to know what you are talking about unless you talk about your experiences. So to show your experiences and to show that you can produce results you need to create a cover letter.When you are creating your own resume or you are sending out your resume to the people you are trying to impress, you need to include a list of bullet points that will highlight what you do in your role. You need to be able to tell them what you do. It is going to show them that you are a specialist. And a specialist is a very important skill.Because you are able to take down what you are doing, you are going to be able to present yourself in a much better light than you could if you included a list of bullet points that are not very well organized. So now that you have seen just how important it is to create a cover letter that will get you a job, then you need to put your cover letter together.You need to start y our cover letter off with a title. And the title is very important. Your title needs to show them that you are serious. So the title of your cover letter should be something like, 'Undertaking A Further Assessment To Review Your Resume' or even better yet, 'Thank You For The Time You Are Taking To Take This Assessment.'
Saturday, May 16, 2020
What Little Free Time College Has Left Me - 1154 Words
My personal learning style is a mixture between reading and writing (10), and aural (9), which the VARK test classifies as multimodal. This actually surprised me because I am more of a right brained person according to the test (~65%), and reading and writing are more left brained functions. Personally, I revel in reading and writing in the creative sense. In what little free time college has left me, I read books, blogs, and write short stories for my friends. This applied to my learning is slightly different, because I am given less creative freedom, but in any sense, I tend to be good with words. The aural part only partially surprised me because I focus best when engaged in an activity. Though I recognize it in having similarity toâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦That may seem a bit oxymoronic, but without doodling my brain goes off on its own tangents. Doodling sort of anchors me to pen, paper, and the lecture. I also enjoy and benefit from taking part in class discussions and spe aking in front of the class. I find that when I speak in front of the class, or ask questions, I retain that information better. There are times in class where I can fall behind, or get a bit confused, and at this time I refer to the book to help get me back on course with the rest of the class. Assignments can also get me a bit confused. I try to review assignments beforehand, to have questions prepared. Then again in class I review the assignments, take notes on them, and ask questions. Though it is early in the semester these techniques have proven effective for me in College Success. My second, and probably most challenging class, is General Psychology. The learning tips I can employ in General Psychology are asking for examples of theories and looking for them in my daily life, paying special attention to theories, key terms, and statements, reading the text in a quiet, distraction free, area, using the flashcards provided to me on the MyPsychLab website, and taking extensive and detailed notes. Psychology can be, and usually is, a rather convoluted subject. Getting examples of theories helps me to understand better, and look for these
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Fiction of Literature Folk Tales, Fan Fiction, and...
The Fiction of Literature: Folk Tales, Fan Fiction, and Oral Tradition in the Internet Age In 1951, JRR Tolkien wrote a letter to his publisher, Milton Waldman, in an attempt to describe his vision for The Lord of the Rings. After outlining the scope of his many interconnected plots, Tolkien self-consciously articulated his hopes for his novelââ¬â¢s reception: Do not laugh! But once upon a time (my crest has long since fallen) I had a mind to make a body of more or less connected legend, ranging from the large and cosmogonic to the level of romantic fairy-storyâ⬠¦ The cycles should be linked to a majestic whole, and yet leave scope for other minds and hands, wielding paint and music and drama. Absurd.â⬠With the benefit of hindsight, we know now that his idea was not ââ¬Ëabsurdââ¬â¢. Tolkien almost presciently describes the place his novels have taken in Western culture. Tolkienââ¬â¢s works, in the words of Tolkien scholar Tom Shippey, ââ¬Å"ha[ve] become part of the mental furniture of the cultureâ⬠¦ [They are] a story that everybody kn[ows] about, even if they c[a]nââ¬â¢t remember ever reading or hearing any version of it.â⬠This cultural awareness of a story is the direct result of the adaptations and additions Tolkien described. First with official illustrations, and later with an entire genre of Tolkien- inspired bands and musicians, and even a ballet, many other hands and minds have added to the majestic whole. In recent years, the Peter Jackson adaptations of The Lord of the Rings, a storyShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Theory230255 Words à |à 922 PagesBusiness School, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland This book makes it easier to understand the current stand of organization theory. I strongly recommend it to anyone seriously interested in the different intellectual traditions that contribute to our understanding of organizations. Professor Tomas Mà ¼llern, Jà ¶nkà ¶ping International Business School, Sweden . McAuley, Duberley and Johnsonââ¬â¢s Organizational Theory takes you on a joyful ride through the developments ofRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words à |à 1056 PagesCommunication Skills 83 DID YOU KNOW?: Suggestions for Recruiting Minorities and Women 60 Adverse Impact 61 Chapter 4 Employee Rights and Discipline 84 Learning Outcomes 84 Introduction 86 What Other Laws Affect Discrimination Practices? 61 Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 62 The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 62 viii Contents Employee Rights Legislation and the HRM Implications 86 The Privacy Act of 1974 86 The Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1974 87 The Drug-Free
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Showcasing Procedures Of Toyota Motors â⬠
Question: Discuss about the Showcasing Procedures Of Toyota Motors. Answer: Introduction To portray the Toyota 2000 GT as notorious isn't an embellishment. The sports auto manufactured in 1967 was the first to demonstrate that Toyota could assemble a machine equipped for contending with the execution and styling of European opponents like Porsche 911 and the Jaguar E-Type. Official figures demonstrate that 342 were made (in addition to two custom open-top renditions worked for a film), making it a standout amongst the most looked for after autos on the planet. For as far back as two years, a group including 50 of Toyota's best specialists has been carefully reestablishing one case and changing it into a solar-powered idea auto called the 2000 GT Solar. It is almost certain that the 2000 GT is a lovely auto, yet the main thing that stands out is exactly how little it looks it is totally small. In profile, however, it compensates for its humble appearance with close flawless extents. The cap is delightfully etched, and the tear formed lodge contains seats mounted far back, specifically over the back wheels. Be that as it may, behind the great outline, there's a cutting edge. The auto is secured with solar boards and the logos of the considerable number of organizations that helped construct it. Under the wheel curves, someone will spot new BBS compound wheels. Steps in Writing a Marketing Plan According to Anna Telin (2016), obtaining new customers is the backbone of any business. There's no better approach to fulfill that assignment than to make and execute amarketing plan. What's more, in the present turbulent financial circumstances, the power of a compellingmarketing plan cannot be belittled. Buyers are searching for strong expert exhortation amid these questionable circumstances. Because interest for the thing might swell, doesn't mean somebody can kick back and observe new customers walk around the entryway. A powerful marketing plan characterizes and arranges marketing endeavors, so an executive is centered around executing the vision of the company through focused endeavors, instead of attempting to be everything to all individuals and winding up being nothing to anybody (Robert Timothy, 2011). A decent marketing plan assists in answering major queries concerning a commercial undertaking, in addition to acting as a situational record that assists in executing an approach to marketing. Current marketing adopts a more far-reaching strategy. Paswan (2012) states that there are three components in the marketing idea. The first is the purchaser introduction (otherwise called a market approach), which concentrates on the objective market and means to see how the item can best address their issues. The second segment is an objective introduction, which regularly has benefit as a key intention. While the objective introduction may concentrate on the shopper, the organization's principal objective is to achieve their objective. For instance, the objective might be to build deals and traffic to the website. The third part is a frameworks introduction, which concentrates on the inner corporate structure and contender movement. Organizations regularly change their strategies to stay aware of patterns in the commercial center. For example, numerous eateries offer free Wi-Fi to suit occupied experts. This market fragment may pick one district over the other given simple access to the Internet (Johan and Alistair, 2017). SWOT and Competitor Analysis The following table summarizes some of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the product. Strengths Robust brand image An assortment of colors and specifications of the sports car Low cost of producing the car Weaknesses Low market-share due to solar-powered cars being unpopular Toyota 2000 GT is currently available in Japan and some parts of Europe only Opportunities Elevated awareness by the people Improved economic circumstances Improved consumption by the middle class Rising oil prices Threats Competition from other players in the global industry, particularly from Tesla Motors. New auto manufactures can, and join the new industry of solar-powered cars; therefore increasing competition. Significant contenders of Toyota 2000 GT are Cherry QQ and Hyundai. Every consequence of these associations of same limit and size will give extraordinary competition to the games auto. As making cars more sensible is the huge focus on moving this auto, in like manner, the expenses of this auto are kept lower than that of all the present opponents in the market. This will understand a greater bit of the pie and fight well in the market. Huge contenders of Toyota 2000 GT are spending colossal pay on the headway of their picture and things. Toyota will come in like manner attempt and considerable enthusiasm for caring about the sports auto in the market. Headway of Toyota 2000 GT will be done on a wide scale as the maker goes for concentrating on every genuine scope of country. As of now, the conveyance is set up in the major divisional central command just yet the contenders particularly; Suzuki controls an all-embracing arrangement. Their quality in a bigger number of areas gives intense rivalry to Toyota. For the exemplary Toyota 2000 GT, we will concoct another methodology of dissemination to achieve every one of those regions where there they are not at present. In future, the best contender for the exemplary sports auto may perhaps be a small car from Honda Limited or Tesla Motors. Honda is an expensive auto manufacturing business yet not creating small cars. Along these lines, a phase of delivering little solar-powered autos by Honda is capable of giving intense time to Toyota 2000 GT. It ought to build up a procedure to adjust to the situation in case Honda also joins the market with small solar-powered cars for customers. Mission The mission of the company is to publicize the classic Toyota 2000 GT as much as possible. We plan to do this on a global scale, particularly through popular social media. Social media has been deemed to be effective for marketers/advertisers in this day and age of Generation Y or millennials (Victoria Helen, 2013). Objectives The following are the marketing and financial objectives achievable within the first six months following the official launch of the Classic Toyota 2000 GT Solar-Powered Electric Car: Seize no less than 20% share of the marketplace for sports autos in the distinct targeted marketplace Conquer the second spot in the marketplace Aim for the middle class especially by giving them a reasonably priced selection Generate cognizance among the targeted group using extreme promotion particularly through mass media favored by the targeted group (middle class). Usage of exclusive topographies such as respectable designs, affordability as well as comfort to make the sports car attractive Marketing Mix Strategy The marketing endeavors of Toyota 2000 GT will be founded on the need of growing its piece of the overall industry and increment the brand's dependability among purchasers by accomplishing consumer loyalty. Toyota Motors is propelling the exemplary solar-powered auto at this specific time as a result of a blast in the vehicle business. The request of autos for private utilization is expanding an incredible arrangement. However, there are a couple of auto producers at present in the market. Toyota feels that there is a decent chance to hop into the market as of now with a quality item and handle a noteworthy offer in the market. Product Strategies The name of the auto will be Toyota 2000 GT. It ought to be a top-notch item concentrating on three critical parameters of economy, wellbeing, and solace to contend the significant rivals in the market. The great solar-powered auto will be worked in one standard size. It will be accessible in both shading sorts, i.e., Metallic and Non-Metallic. Pricing Strategies The cost of the auto ought to be kept lesser than the contenders as a noteworthy goal is giving an efficient auto to clients. Additionally, the objective market of the auto is the working class so it ought to be kept in their reasonableness. This is achieved by diminishing the overhead expenses by creating proficient circulation system. Place (distribution strategies) Essentially, there are two sorts of appropriation channels accessible: coordinated dispersion and Indirect dissemination. Toyota 2000 GT will receive both dissemination channels for dispersion of the auto. Utilization of Direct Channel: the solar-powered sports car has its showrooms in major divisional base camp; at these stations, it will utilize its immediate conveyance channel. Promotion Promotion is a standout amongst the most critical variables of marketing; it is done to influence the shoppers conduct with a specific end goal to accomplish deals and increment image of the product (Binod Devi, 2013). In promotion, the real assignment is to make shoppers mindful of the item and to draw in customer towards the item by featuring the benefits of the item. Similarly, customers are aware besides being educated concerning the item's highlights and upgrades (Fillis, 2010). We can utilize print in addition to electronic media to endorse the auto. Also, we can publicize on press releases, street signs, telesales, and transport sheets. Unique, profitable crusades may perhaps be launched, for instance, workshops; street indicates productions to create awareness about Toyota 2000 GT. We will support uncommon occasions like shows to acquaint the auto with the general population. Actions Programs Activity of Promotion Period Duty Introduce an advertisement operation in magazines plus billboards all over the city 3 weeks Marketing Division Substantial advertisements on television, magazines and the press 3 weeks Marketing Division Sponsoring an important event or festival 3 weeks Marketing Division Finance Division Put up displays of the Classic Toyota 2000 GT in all the showrooms, in addition to main car dealers in the country. Continuous Marketing Division Implementation and Control of the Marketing Plan The core of use of a marketing plan is the implementation, the honest "undertaking" of the planned marketing efforts. Actions are not completed through writing them down on a broadsheet- - they require effort, supervision, and development. As per Hsu (2011), productive marketing procedure involves: Viable and effective coordination of exercises. Avoidance of diversions or distractions by concentrating on the jobs that need to be done Regard for points of interest and painstaking quality. Discarding procrastination; there isnt enough time for promoting a chosen product in marketing endeavors. References Alexandre P. and Nicols C. (2016). Indirectly productive entrepreneurship. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, 5(2), 161-175. Anna T. Perry, Telin S. Chung. (2016). Understand attitude-behavior gaps and benefit-behavior connections in Eco-Apparel. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 20(1), 105-119. Binod K. Shrestha and Devi R. Gnyawali. (2013). Insights on strategic management practices in Nepal. South Asian Journal of Global Business Research, 2(2), 191-210. Christian H. Fuentes, Cecilia J. Fredriksson. (2016). Sustainability service in-store: Service work and the promotion of sustainable consumption. International Journal of Retail Distribution Management, 44(5), 492-507. Fillis, I. (2010). 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Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Salt And Sand Lab Report Essay Example
Salt And Sand Lab Report Paper Evaporation is a process where two liquids or solid mixed into a liquid can be separated. To separate two liquids mixed together, the liquid is boiled over a Bunsen burner until one liquid is completely evaporated. To separate a solid within a liquid, the liquid is completely evaporated and a solid will remain, which is called a residue. Procedure/Data: 1. Preheat a clean evaporating dish for 5 minutes; then cool and mass the dish. Mass of empty dish: 28. Egg 2. Set scale to zero after placing an 80 or 100 ml beaker on it; then add the mixture given to you into the beaker and record the mass of the mixture. Mass of mixture: 2. Egg 3. Add 15. Ml of water to the beaker; stir well and filter the contents through filter paper into the pre-massed evaporating dish. 4. Add 5 ml of water to the beaker, stir well and filter the evaporating dish. 5. Set up an evaporation set up and heat the contents in the evaporating dish, over a wavy flame to avoid splashing, until all water is evaporated. 6. Allow dish and residue to cool; identify the residue. 7. Mass the evaporating dish with the residue and find the mass of the residue. A mixture is a combination of two or more pure substances in which each pure substance retains its individual chemical properties. The sand and salt is a mixture because it can be separated by evaporation and filtration, into its monuments without changing their identities. Some processes that can be used to separate mixtures would be filtration, fractional distillation, crystallization, and sublimation. 2. Elements in a compounds can only be separated by chemical processes, while components of a mixture can be separated by physical processes. 3. We will write a custom essay sample on Salt And Sand Lab Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Salt And Sand Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Salt And Sand Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The five common methods that can be used to separate various types of mixtures are filtration, fractional distillation, evaporation, sublimation, and chromatography. Evaporation is the changing of a liquid into a gas often under the influence of heat. A mixture of a solid and liquid can be separated y evaporation. Filtration is a technique that Uses a porous barrier to separate a solid from a liquid. A liquid and solid (heterogeneous mixture) is the type of mixture that can be separated by filtration. Sublimation is the process during which a solid changes vapor without melting (without going through liquid phase). Two solids are the type of mixture that can be separated by sublimation. Fractional distillation is a physical separation technique that use based on differences in the boiling points of the substances involved. Two liquids are the type of mixture that can be separated by distillation. Chromatography is technique that separates a compound of a mixture dissolved in either a gas or a liquid. A mixture of a gas or liquid state can be separated by the use of chromatography. 4. Chromatography is a method that could be used to separate the components of the ink in a marker. This separation can be achieved when the pigment is dipped in a liquid and the different colors will behave differently, causing them to travel at different speeds. The ink separates because each pigment has a different attraction to the liquid. 5. To separate the heterogeneous mixture comprised of sand, iron fillings, salt, and poppy seeds the first thing that an be done is to use a magnet to attract the iron fillings from the mixture. Next, water should be added to not only dissolve the salt into the water but to cause the poppy seeds to float, making it easy to take them out. Then mix the sand, salt and water together to make a mixture of salt and water. Now with sand and salt water left, filtrate the mixture to allow the salt water to pass through the filter paper and the sand will stay behind as residue. Finally, evaporation should be used to evaporate all the water from the mixture leaving salt behind as residue. 6. Filtrate is what passes through the filter paper when using filtration. The salt water was the filtrate in this lab. Residue is what is left behind, or is stayed back.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Quotes from Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Quotes from 'Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Brave New World deals with issues of technological advancements, sexuality, and individualityin a dehumanizing society. Huxley explores how his characters react to living in a dystopian future society, in which everyoneââ¬â¢s place in society is strictly defined. Here are a few quotes from the novel.à Our world is not the same asà Othellosà world. You cant make flivvers without steel- and you cant make tragedies without social instability. The worlds stable now. People are happy; they get what they want, and they never want what they cant get.â⬠(ch. 16) With these words which Mustapha Mond speaks to John, in a philosophical-debate-like fashion, he details why Shakespeare is obsolete in the World State. Being a highly educated man, he admits to them being beautiful, but his words are old, and, thus, unfit for a society that is primarily oriented to consumerism. Whatââ¬â¢s more, he belittles John for using Shakespeare asà a paradigm of values and ethics, because Shakespeareââ¬â¢s world is very different from the World State. His was a world subjected to turmoil and instability, while the World State is essentially stable, which, in turn, is not a fertile ground for tragedies.à Quotes about Love and Sex ââ¬Å"Whore! he shouted Whore! Impudent strumpet!â⬠(Ch. 13) John yells these words at Lenina as she gets naked in front of him. Citing his beloved Shakespeare, he addresses her as a ââ¬Å"disrespectful whore.â⬠Itââ¬â¢s a line coming from Othello, where the titular character is about to kill his wife Desdemona as he became convinced she had been cheating on him. Both instances of the use ââ¬Å"impudent strumpet,â⬠are misdirected, though: Desdemona was faithful all along, while Lenina had been sleeping around because the society she was raised in conditioned her to do so. Both Othello and John see their love interest as both sleazy and beautiful, which disturbs John, since he is not able to compute feelings of repulsion and attraction at the same time. In fact, such contrasting feelings eventually lead him to madness and death. Mother, monogamy, romance. High spurts the fountain; fierce and foamy the wild jet. The urge has but a single outlet. My love, my baby. No wonder those poor pre-moderns were mad and wicked and miserable. Their world didnââ¬â¢t allow them to take things easily, didnââ¬â¢t allow them to be sane, virtuous, happy. What with mothers and lovers, what with the prohibitions they were not conditioned to obey, what with the temptations and the lonely remorses, what with all the diseases and the endless isolating pain, what with the uncertainties and the poverty- they were forced to feel strongly. And feeling strongly (and strongly, what was more, in solitude, in hopelessly individual isolation), how could they be stable? (Chapter 3) In Chapter 3, Mustapha Mond explains the history of the World State to a group of boys touring the Hatchery. ââ¬Å"Mother, monogamy, and romanceâ⬠are concepts that are reviled in the World State, as is the whole idea of ââ¬Å"feeling strongly,â⬠and they are the core values of John, who is devoted to his mother, strives for monogamy and romance while still experiencing feelings unfiltered by soma. However, eventually, abiding by those feelings causes him to try to purify himself with self-flagellation, which, in an unfortunate turn of events, leads to his madness and to his suicide. His demise does, indirectly, prove Mustapha Mondââ¬â¢s point, as, by eliminating ââ¬Å"mother, monogamy, and romanceâ⬠alongside ââ¬Å"feeling strongly,â⬠the World State succeeded in creating a stabile society where everybody was, indeed, superficially happy. Sure, human beings are indoctrinated to behave in one way and one way only according to their caste, and the whole Stat e is a system founded on production and consumptions, fueled by the consumeristic tendencies of its inhabitants. However, they are happy. They just need to drink soma and choose merriment over truth. A good trade-off. Politics ââ¬Å"When the individual feels, the community reelsâ⬠(various locations) This is a Societyââ¬â¢s teaching of the World State, which goes hand in hand with ââ¬Å"never put of till tomorrow the fun you can have today.â⬠Lenina pronounces it to Bernard after they had spent a night together in his rooms, which he regretted, saying he wished it had ended differently, especially considering it was their first day together. She claims itââ¬â¢s pointless to put off having any fun, while he wants to ââ¬Å"feel something strongly,â⬠which is largely discouraged in the world state, as feelings can overthrow any form of stability. Yet, Bernard yearns for some reeling too. This conversation makes Lenina feel rejected. Yes, and civilization is sterilization.â⬠(Ch. 7) Civilization is sterilization is one of the main Societyââ¬â¢s teachings in Brave New World, and different characters utter it throughout the novel. Sterilization can mean different things: one is sanitation and cleanliness, as opposed to the filth people in the Reservation live in. ââ¬Å" I had an awful cut on my head when they first brought me here. You cant imagine what they used to put on it. Filth, just filthâ⬠Linda recalls before uttering the statement. Similarly, Lenina equates sterilization with cleanliness, which, she insists ââ¬Å"is next to fordliness.â⬠However, sterilization can also be interpreted with regards to making women unable to bear children. In the World State, 70% of the female population are made into freemartins, meaning sterile women. They achieve that by injecting the female embryos with a low dose of sex hormones. This makes them sterile and fairly normal, except for the slight tendency to grow a beard.à Happiness And if ever, by some unlucky chance, anything unpleasant should somehow happen, why, thereââ¬â¢s always soma to give you a holiday from the facts. And thereââ¬â¢s always soma to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long-suffering. In the past you could only accomplish these things by making a great effort and after years of hard moral training. Now, you swallow two or three half-gramme tablets, and there you are. Anybody can be virtuous now. You can carry at least half your morality about in a bottle. Christianity without tears- thatââ¬â¢s what soma is. (Chapter 17) This quote is excerpted from a conversation between John and Mustapha, which takes place in Chapter 17. Mustapha is trying to convince John how soma is a cure-all remedy for any unpleasant emotion, which, in turn, lead to inefficiency and conflict. Unlike the hard moral training of the past, soma can solve any ailment of the soul almost instantly. Curiously, the parallel between moral training, which is usually a core aspect of religion, and soma, hints at the origin of the word soma itself. It used to be an entheogenic draught that was consumed during rituals in the Vedic religion. Several myths also see two opposing factions of deities fighting over the ownership of soma. But while, originally, soma was consumed by gods and humans alike in order to attain ââ¬Å"the lightâ⬠and immortality, the soma, which, in the world state, comes in convenient tablets, and itââ¬â¢s mainly used to deal with any ââ¬Å"unpleasantnessâ⬠: Lenina knocks herself out with it after being un able to endure the horrors she witnessed in the Reservation, while Linda who, in her isolation in the Reservation had been looking for a substitute for the soma in mescaline and peyotl, eventually is prescribed a lethal dose of soma once she gets back to the World State.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Regents College Observatory Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Regents College Observatory - Article Example The Regent College can be instrumental in encouraging young people to think more about the things that our ancestors spent a lot of time pondering over. The Regent College Observatory has a classic observatory outlook thanks to its 80-year old dome. Apart from its exterior look, this dome can adjust the temperature inside it. This helps the observatory equipment to perform at an optimum level. Changing conditions are known to affect the performance of these types of equipment. However, this observatory will not face any problems in this regard. This magnificent feature once had a 19th century telescope, which was removed from the structure in 1984. However, there is a plan to renovate the dome, which entails replacing some of the broken components. Additionally, and more importantly, there will be modern astronomical equipment installed. These will bring the observatory back into operation. Regent College is in an ideal location that will provide an uninhibited view for observers once the observatory is ready. There are no structures such as sky scrapers anywhere in the vicinity. So, putting time and effort towards bringing this observatory back in use is a worthy exercise. Certainly, everybody will be delighted with it once it is back in operation. The observatory is being renovated so that it can be used for observing stars, planets, galaxies, etc. There is indeed a lot of exploration that can be conducted from here. Through this observatory it might be possible to discover new planets and stars. Indeed, having this facility will be a huge advantage over just looking at pictures in books. Imagine the thrill of viewing skies as they are in their actually form! Students will be excited to observe the stars this way. They will be particularly keen to use this observatory because this is also the international year of astronomy. Reviving this observatory is important because it is London's one and only central observatory. Additionally, it would also be a great project to launch for the college. Regent College plans to start a new course called 'Astronomy', and the observatory will be used to run undergraduate astronomy studies. Dr Peter Verdon who is supervising the work being done on the observatory says, "This will provide students a chance to take an undergraduate course using modern, state-of-the-art technology." Indeed, this will attract many students to apply for admission here. Which Astronomy lover wouldn't want to be here! Having the observatory in operation again means that students will get a chance to learn valuable information about astronomy and the world that can be viewed through the telescope. This course will present a tremendous first-time learning opportunity to students who have no clue what this wonderful subject is all about. For those who are already acquainted with this subject, this will still be a great opportunity. There will probably be many visitors who would like to use the observatory once they notice the renovated dome and the newly installed telescope. It is clear already that bringing the observatory back in use will restore the historical outlook of the building, and it will also be of tremendous importance to the educational framework of the college. For introducing the re-opening of this observatory, an ideal location is required. Indeed, the perfect location is Tuke cinema of the Regents College. It is a perfect location to make an official announcement.
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 65
Case Study Example Therefore, for the company to counter the effect of unreliable profits, it should start introducing some other products. For example, USB drives, this because a wide range of products will increase the companyââ¬â¢s sales (Milkovich et al., 2013). In addition, the company can build more companies in different continents. This will reduce the risks associated with currency exchange rates. The type of reward system that the company should give this group of employees should be based on money (Milkovich et al., 2013). This is because according to recent studies, some of the best performing companies reward their employees well. Employees who are rewarded very well are motivated and tend to be more creative and work with minimum supervision (Milkovich et al., 2013). In summary, there should be a component of large incentive, if the company wishes to retain the employees. One of the human needs is to live a good life, and most psychologists have argued that employers who invest in their employeesââ¬â¢ wellbeing always tend to have very productive
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Noonans point of view for the Anti-abortion Essay Example for Free
Noonans point of view for the Anti-abortion Essay Noonans is an extreme anti-abortionist. He believed that once conceived, the being was recognized as human because he/she had humans potential. The criterion for humanity, thus, was simple and all embracing: if you are conceived by human parents, you are human. He believes in four pro-choice criteria for human being. The first criterion is viability. Viability is the point in time in which a fetus lived attached to its mother determines the fate. Notion of viability is that fetus is depended on its mother in order to live, and if this dependence is taken through abortion, then it is actually a right of life taken from a living human being. The second view is experience. Experience as defined through Noonan is, A being who has had experience, has lived and suffered, who posses memories, is more human than one who has not Here he points out the stage of fetus when it can be responsive to touch and can feel the environment around him/her. He compares this stage of fetus to of an adult who has aphasia has lost his or her memories- his or her experience: Noonan asks rhetorically if this means the humanity of the adult has been erased. In this argument Noonan is implying that if there is an absences of experiences during fetus stage of human life, we can not deprive the fetus of his/her right to life. The third case is sentiment. Sentiment in this case means that if the fetus dies, it wont receive the same grief as for a living child because it hasnt been named or had personality. Noonan views this while contrasting different races among human kind. He portrays his feelings that if one human being is of different skin color or of different sex, we wont say that his/her life lost is not grief able. Why isnt then a fetus is given the same human respect he/she deserved. The last of these criterias is social visibility. They argument says that the fetus hasnt been socially perceived as human: it cannot communicate like humans. Noonans views for this argument is as follows. He says that humanity does not depend on social recognition, although the failure to recognize this fact has led it to destruction of lives. These are the Noonans point of view towards the abortion.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Blind Faith and False Belief: An Examination of the Development of The
The purpose of this paper is to closely examine the effects of children with congenital profound visual impairment (CPVI) and a possible correlation to the delay in the development of theory of mind (ToM). Specifically, this paper will compare a study that investigated how visual cues affect the development of ToM to a similarly themed episode from the popular television show Xena: Warrior Princess. On the surface these two groups may appear to be an odd comparison, for children with CPVI and Xena seem like they have nothing in common. However, there is one episode in particular entitled ââ¬Å"Blind Faith,â⬠in which these two worlds collide in a unique and surprising way proving and interesting parallel and additional insight into how blindness may affect the development of the theory of mind. In the article entitled, ââ¬Å"An investigation of first-order false belief understanding of children with congenital profound visual impairment,â⬠a detailed look at the development of ToM was performed. Theory of mind (ToM) is defined ââ¬Å"as the ability to impute mental states to others and to interpret and predict behavior in terms of those mental statesâ⬠(Green 1). In order to examine ToM, the study performed a series of false belief tests. False belief can also be explained as misunderstanding which connected to false reasoning. In the case of the children in this study, the false belief would be if they can correctly identify how another person would respond to a specific task, if that person had limited information that the children were previously made privy too. These tests are important because, as they article explains; the testing false belief is the most direct way to access if a person has a fully developed theory of mind (Dennett c... ...ere is a correlation between blindness and a delay to the development ToM. Whether itââ¬â¢s Xena or children with congenital profound visual impairment itââ¬â¢s obvious that visual cues are significant when trying to interpret the actions of others. Xena, like the children in the study, was forced to rely on other senses to compensate for the lack of visual cues, which is important because without them children are at a disadvantage to understanding the greater world around them. Works Cited ââ¬Å"Blind Faith.â⬠Xena: Warrior Princess. Created by Rob Tapert and Sam Raimi. Perf. Lucy Lawless, Renee Oââ¬â¢Connor. USA Network. April 17, 1997. Green, Sarah, Linda Pring, and John Swettenham. "An Investigation of First-order False Belief Understanding of Children with Congenital Profound Visual Impairment." British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 22.1 (2004): 1-17.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Marie Antoinette: History as a problem in film
When one thinks of the Coppola, one inevitably thinks of the great Francis Ford, whose striking Godfather movies have set the bar for dramatic storytelling and cinematography for generations of filmmakers to come.à However, recently, the younger Coppola, Sofia, has taken over the moviemaking role, and has sought to reinvent the historical story of Marie Antoinette, the infamous French queen beheaded at the start of the French Revolution.à However, for those expecting a serious, dour, and historically play by play rendering of the tragic (some say scandalous) life of the queen, they are in for somewhat of a surprise.Indeed, the intentionally contemporary, visually stunning twist on the well-known tale is jarring in its departures from traditional historical thought.à So, too the visual liberties do much to literally force the audience to see the young queen from a different perspective.à The problem is, however, although Coppola can assert that her attempt is an artistic o ne, it is also one of manipulation.That is because in the end, the audience is fully aware of the juxtaposition of their new, interpretation of Antoinette as delivered by the film, with the overwhelming force of historical fact (in as much as we are aware).à This departure from reality eventually leaves the audience feeling a bit cheated, as if the visual, auditory, and even literary ministrations of Coppola on the story have been nothing but a cheap trickââ¬âa meandering of whimsy intentionally downplaying the legitimate tragedy of Antoinetteââ¬â¢s death and the serious principles behind the French Revolution.To be sure, Coppolaââ¬â¢s Marie Antoinette is beautiful.à Released in 2006, the film is set and filmed in Versailles.à The audience meets the young queen as a new bride, delivered from her native Austria to the bosom of the French court.à From the beginning, Antoinette is presented as gentle, almost simple, and kind heartedââ¬âconcerned with leaving h er family and her beloved pet dog behind to start a new life of duty and service at the behest of her family.Almost as striking as the gentleness of the queen, the visual imagery of the film is without par.à The colors are as vibrant as any 50ââ¬â¢s Technicolor dream, and the screen is consistently resplendent with bright pinks, blues and pastel wonders beyond imagination.à This is particularly true of the costuming, which is rendered in striking richness both in color and textureââ¬âhelping to evoke the extravagant luxury of the French Court and the life of the queen.In addition to the visually descriptive nature of the film, Antoinetteââ¬â¢s relationship with her husband is portrayed as amazingly genteel, with her displaying endless patience for her husbandââ¬â¢s quirky ways and obvious lack of sexual prowess.à Further, her important role as a mother and bearer of heirs is portrayed convincingly, with visual (only) mention of the death of one of her children in infancy.However, apart from this reflection of historical trivia, the film does little to delve deeply into any of the issues of the time, or of Antoinetteââ¬â¢s life.à Further, even the casting of Americanââ¬â¢s Kirsten Dunst and Jason Shwartzman seems to function as a way to move the film away from historical accuracy, if only in the audienceââ¬â¢s mind.à This is particularly true when one hears the somewhat jarring sound of Dunstââ¬â¢s and Shwartzmanââ¬â¢s flat American accents against the stylized French-accented comments of the Mistress of the Court.Although one could say that Coppolaââ¬â¢s portrayal of Antoinette in such a candy-pink, innocent and accommodating fashion (perhaps more devoid of malice due to her ââ¬Å"straight forwardâ⬠and simple American twang) could be authentic in that some of it describes the queenââ¬â¢s relative youth and innocence as she entered the court.à à However, this does not progress to increased complexity, and the audience does not see her increased politicialization that by all historical accounts marks the last years of her life.Indeed, as historians point out, Marie Antoinette was political, some say a bit of an activist, determined to resist the changes brewing in the midst of the growing revolutionary fervor in the country.à In fact, the movie seems to curiously, if perhaps, intentionally stay away from any true politicalization, ââ¬Å"ugliness,â⬠unrest or upheaval.à Apart from one or two references to the ââ¬Å"peopleâ⬠being hungry and their not being enough bread, one simply does not see the common people or their plight at all.ââ¬Å"What revolution?,â⬠the audience may wonder (perhaps more so amongst todayââ¬â¢s less educated tween moviegoers).à Indeed, as the film closes, we are left with nary a glimpse in to the tragic fate of the queen.à Further, one would not imagine too horrible a fate, after all, according to Coppolaââ¬â¢s portrayal, Antoinette would never have been so callous as to have said, ââ¬Å"Let them eat cake!â⬠à Certainly she was too good for that!à After all, didnââ¬â¢t she give up getting new diamonds so that the people may eat?In addition to the creative storytelling that Coppola entertains throughout the film, the music, itself sets the soundtrack as a kind of point-making device to further help the audience to identify with the kind queen.à Strains of largely upbeat popular music (Bow Wow, Cindy Lauper) make everything seem more innocent, and heck, canââ¬â¢t the audience see they are ââ¬Å"just like us,â⬠not so foreign, not so historic!Yes, it could have been any wealthy American or European girl in her shoes.à One can even see Paris Hilton in Versailles.à Under this treatment, Antoinette seems less distant, complex, serious, and significant in history.à Indeed, all of the messages gleaned from her experiences and narrative seem to melt away to the tune.à Ye s, some classical music is incorporated into the film, but only after the jarring point of the modern has been thoroughly made.Although the cinematic techniques utilized by Coppola definitely lead the audience to reinterpret history, several of the references to historical fact are accurate.à After all, the French did help the young America against Great Britain, and they did deplete sizable financial stores from France (exacerbating the plight of the poor) (Brinton, 1963).à However, by the time these historical points are made in the film, the other visual, dialogue, and tonal points have been made. Historical errors and downright tragedies of perception seem insignificant, just another point of verbal backdrop rather than pivotal junction.In addition to the twisting of the audienceââ¬â¢s perception of Antoinette as a function of tone (visual, dialogue, etc), Coppola also departs from historical fact to presumably make the movie ââ¬Å"more interestingâ⬠to its audien ceââ¬âwho are perhaps used to a ââ¬Å"Dangerous Liaisonsâ⬠kind of film.à Indeed, in departing from established historical fact and blithely embracing a supposed extramarital affair between Antoinette and the Count von Ferson, Coppila goes out of her way to add to history, simply for the entertainment value.Although one cannot defiantly prove that such an affair did not occur in reality, historical sources do not indicate that it did.à This is hardly a trivial point in that it further contemporizes Antoinette, implying that such matters were commonplace (as they are today), and carried little consequences.à The historical and religious reality of Antoinetteââ¬â¢s times were all to different, with serious consequences for both royal and common wives who strayed from the marriage bed. Of course none of these issues are dealt with and the whole ââ¬Å"affairâ⬠is portrayed as just one more pleasant visual interlude among many, without meaning or serious inter pretation.Given all this, if one were to accept that Coppola did in fact deliberately attempt to use cinematic devices and storytelling in order to create a new version of the story, is this problematic?à If such a film were simple entertainment the answer would be no.à However, the difficulty that comes along with dealing with a historical subject is that there is some expectation from the audience that an attempt toward accuracy be made.à Yes, costumes in the Antoinette court were probably very pretty.The queen might have been innocent, kind, sweet even.à Perhaps she never did say ââ¬Å"let them eat cake.â⬠à Such an assertion would not be new (1963).à However, using technique to reframe the events of the movie, be it through music, cinematography or dialogue creates either a problem with history itselfââ¬âin essence changing it for the audience if they are impressionable, or though creating frustration or even anger in those who know betterââ¬âand p erhaps feel more than a bit cheated that the association of the character with the defining event of her times (the Revolution) was all but overlooked in film.Although Coppola, herself has stated that it was not her intention to deal with politics or the political reality of her subject (Dudec, 2006), she doesââ¬âif by omission.à In fact, her infamous statement, ââ¬Å"Marie Antoinette was not interested in politics, so why should I be?â⬠(2006) is problematic on many levels.à First, in its erroneous assumption that Antoinette was not interested in politics, she indicates a real unfamiliarity with her protagonist which is troubling.à Second, by ââ¬Å"not being interested in politics,â⬠one has to wonder at the appropriateness of Coppola dealing with the subject matter at all.à Can one imagine, for instance, Frances Ford Coppola asserting, ââ¬Å"I am not interested in organized crime.â⬠?Coppolaââ¬â¢s troubling attitude and treatment of the subject matter was so striking when the movie was screened in Cannes that the audience actually booed the film.à This may be in part due to the fact that Coppila did not take her information from respected historical sources.à Instead, she almost exclusively drew from Antonia Fraserââ¬â¢s contemporary biography, which itself is rife with similar flaws and omissions to the movie.In the end, the audience is never privy to the ââ¬Å"meatâ⬠of the Antoinette storyââ¬âa story that the young female audience members that Coppila obviously targets could only learn from.à For example, she never showcases her strength, intelligence, or real power.à She does not take time to fully draw the immense political opinion and pressures against her as a ââ¬Å"foreign queen,â⬠nor does she deal with the complex nature of her death, the differences between rumor and political reality.Of course, this is not to say that the film does not have its fans.à In fact, even among French audiences some appreciated the way in which Marie Antoinette was played outside of the norm.à Although some might argue that some French critics may be pleased that a large Hollywood producer would deal with the subject at all, one can assume that some found genuine satisfaction in the portrayalââ¬âpuzzling or no.Thus, the problems with the film hinge directly on the historical material.à Given any other non-historical subject matter, the same story might be just fine.à An afternoon of entertainment and ââ¬Å"lavish visual effects.â⬠à However, by choosing a historical subjectââ¬âand an emotional one at that, Coppila evokes much more than she may intend.à Further, the reactions of audiences must be interpreted in the context of the subject matter, not simply on the basis of film quality, direction, art or sensibility.Audiences either like the film or hate itââ¬âand each opinion carries with it serious implications.à After all, if one likes the fil m what does that say about oneââ¬â¢s view or knowledge of history?à Has the ââ¬Å"magicâ⬠of film influenced that opinion, and by continuation, oneââ¬â¢s historical view?à Conversely, should one hate the film, would that person lack the ability to appreciate the ââ¬Å"beautyâ⬠of the visual art in the film?à Or, instead, does oneââ¬â¢s consciousness of the subject matter as history prohibit any such appreciation?In the end, Coppolaââ¬â¢s decision to use history as her muse may be the downfall of the film.à This because history demands a certain treatment in order to be molded into entertainment.à One cannot mould entertainment into historyââ¬âit simply smacks of hollowness and superficialityââ¬âtwo of the most common criticisms of the film.Worse, one can see that (as in the case with this film), even in the presence of some truly spectacular cinematography and visual beautyââ¬ânot to mention some pretty significant financial investm ents, it is not enough to overcome the historical liberties taken with the film.à It is as if her subject matter has become her stumbling block.à To be sure, one can assert that the film is great in part.à However, in part is not enough for true greatness.à No, Marie Antoinette will be no Lawrence of Arabia, enjoyed for generations to comeââ¬âand isnââ¬â¢t that the true test of a filmââ¬â¢s merit?Works CitedBrinton, Crane. A Decade of Revolution 1789-1799. Harper and Row, 1963. Dudec, A. à Cannes reality check. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 25, May 2006.à Retrieved on April 23, 2007, from,
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Supply Chain Management and Agility Logistics - 3953 Words
Organisational Analysis Prepared by: Deepa Vijayachandran- 3376278 Jahan Sahatdurdiyeva- 308096 Emanouela Kalotova- 2708279 Reshma Thomas- 3384251 Contents Summary 3 Company Profile 4 Main Activities 6 Specialized Business Units 6 Agility Awards 8 Formal Organisational Structure 9 Existing Structure and Relevance to Work Flow 12 Organisational Environment 13 Technology at Agility 14 Organisational Structure and Environment 15 Organisational Culture 16 Key Challenges 17 Conclusion 19 References 20 Word Count: 3,868 Summary The following report will analyze Agility Logistics Companyâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In addition to that, in Darfur, Sudan, through Medical Corps, Agility financed a primary health care center to serve 13,000 refugees, and helped transport food to feed 43,000 people in Indonesia for the World Food Program. After a major cyclone happened in Bangladesh in November, Agility worked with the local government of Bangladesh to secure and transport food and bottled water to reach over 1,500 people (Kuwait Times, 2008). The vision of Agility is to assist in humanitarian projects, especially in terms of operational readiness and response to emergencies through the use of its strength as a company and its expertise in contingency logistics operations. The goal of Agility is to become one of the top-eight leading logistics providers and the revenue target to be reached by the year 2008 is US$8 billion through continuous investment and development in its existing infrastructure and capabilities. Main Activities Agilityââ¬â¢s main activities are warehousing, transportation and freight management. Demand planning; procurement; inventory management; order processing and fulfilment; delivery to the distributor, retailer or end-consumer; reverse logistics; and invoicing are the end-to-end solutions of Agility. InShow MoreRelatedA New Approach For Scm1719 Words à |à 7 Pagesdeal but when we are thinking about thousands for SKUs , components, suppliers , and manufacturing partners , logistic partners in eight different time zone is not a easiest task. Mobility, Collaboration and transportation are not so easy and itââ¬â¢s hard to achieve the profit from your global supply chain. Itââ¬â¢s time to make your supply chain flexible and open to all. 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